Saturday, April 16, 2011

WOW! You Just Never Know...

Hello People!

How the heck are you doing? It has been a while since I have been on here almost a year to the date that I was last on. I see the last posting is dated April 23, 2010. SO here I am again and I plan on making it a weekly blog if not more. I gotta get my writing juices flowing again so I can get my book done. I made some goals as part of the neighborhood group that I am a part of, I have a 1 year goal to get back into shape....wearing size 40 pants in MEN'S pants because women's aren't long enough is NOT a good look. Trust me! The even sadder part is that the size 40 is not really fitting that well. ANYWAY my 18 month goal is to get the book done or at least a first draft done. The longest goal is 5 years and that goal for me is to still be employed by the same employer as I have now. This probably seems like a 'duh' goal for most of you but for me it is a goal that I have set and have every intention of keeping. Usually when it comes to jobs I will keep them until I get bored or until someone pisses me off, which is more likely the case, and then I say 'kick rock...deuces! I am out!!!!' Not a very mature thing to do but my justification for it is that I can always go home. That is what I said when I was younger and someone annoyed me on the job I would just say....I ain't got to take this I can go home! My parents are still alive and I can just go home I ain't got to be here!!! Now I am older and married and I would think when annoyed or pissed...are you kidding me! 'My man has money!'....Well I have matured since then and now REALITY has set in that I am getting older and the old man is really OLD and it is time to grow up. SO 5 years at a job would be actually a first for me. SAD isn't it?!

ANYWAY...I was just getting the laptop out and trying to find the password and what not to access this blog and I was thinking what am I going to blog about. I want to boast of the best part of my Washington, DC trip but then I thought no one would want to read that. BUT then I got this call from this lady I work with she is a nice lady and we have developed a sort of unspoken language when it comes to work. We just look at each other and smile or laugh no words needed....but I digress... she called me when I was trying to decide what to blog about and she said "I just wanted to tell you that I am getting baptized tomorrow at church after the second service, and since you are the one who lead me to the church in the first place I thought you should know." WOW! You just never know...Well I was overwhelmed with that exciting she is giving her life to Christ!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! You will not be disappointed and you will NEVER be alone!!! So that to me was just a confirmation that I should tell you what I was thinking in the first place.

When we were in Washington, DC my friends (the ladies night group plus one or two new ones) I was traveling with starting giving me a hard time, which they usually do, but it was really early in the morning and I was not ready to be harassed yet. I got out my phone and I get this daily Bible verse and the verse for that day said, 'forgive one another as I have forgiven you be humble and kind and slow to anger' maybe something about love thrown in...that is not exactly how it read but it is my paraphrase. I said to my friends see God just saved your life...the Bible just saved your life right now cause God said to show nothing but love for you! And I read them the verse, after I read my Bible verse one of my friends says, 'well I read the Laws of Attraction, and it says...' Now I can't actually tell you what it said because I didn't understand it when she read it and I don't think the rest of them did either because she had to explain it to us. Several times at length... when she was done I said well you see the Bible doesn't need any explanation it says what it says, it is plain and simple. It is plain and simple it says what it says and it is simple to understand. Read it for yourself make your own decision. I hope you find it to be an easy read, easy to understand and hopefully lead you to the point where my co-worker is now, ready to be baptized and develop a relationship with someone (Jesus Christ) who will stick closer to her than any friend, sister or brother. P.S. actual verse(s) Ephesians 4:31-32.

Now that I said that let me just tell you all that are thinking this is going to be a 'Christian' blog... a Christian is writing this blog but I am not going to hesitate to speak my mind and at times that may not come out as Christ would have said it. SO don't try to put me or my blog in a category it is what it is and it's just Mattie!

See ya when I see ya!

Peace! Mattie

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! So happy to see you blogging again! (I thought I was on another planet when I...wait a minute...oh yeah, right).

    Anyhow, whether this is a Christian blog or a blog by a Christian, it's still Ms. Magnificent Mattie. You keep workin' on that book, you know the formula for keeping a job (you taught me), and I have no doubt that you will succeed in EVERYTHING you strive for.

    I always believe in you. :)
