Monday, September 29, 2014

Be Sure Of Your Words....

Hello People! How the heck are you???? It's been a LONG time since I have been on here lots to say but no time to say it. I decided to take time to say this at this time. I received a text message this morning asking me if I knew that a friend of mine had passed away over the weekend. Of course I had no idea that she was gone...tear... SO I had this friend who I met when she was a Senior in High School, I think I could of been her mother, she always said I was twice her age! She would come into my office and harass me and annoy me and sometimes I would just want to strangle her. Some times Sara would sleep on the floor, she could do that cause my office was in the basement of the 'house' we were in and no one every came down there. I'd ask Sara what was wrong with her and she would say 'they changed my medication again'... Then Sara went off to College. I would get a phone call or a email or text from her saying she missed her only 'Black' friend. I would tell her, well I would say you are my only Jewish friend but I have others BUT you are my strangest Jewish friend?! Then I would get a call about her being on Probation at school or about some of the wild parties that went on or losing something while intoxicated...I would yell at her! Threaten to tell her mother on her... then when Sara would call with a problem I would give her my advice on what I thought about one thing or another. I'd ask her if she is taking her medication. To my knowledge they were always adjusting or trying to figure out the right combination of her medication...I guess they never friend is gone now. SAD. Before my friend passed away...we had one of our arguments....BUT this time it was a argument that neither one of us would back down from. I am sorry that Sara is gone. If I had a chance to redo the last argument would I change anything? Probably not, just like I am sure that she wouldn't either. SAD. When you think about the possibility that the last words that you say to someone could actually be the last words you say to them. If you knew that you would probably choose your words more carefully. It is good to be sure of what you believe in and to stand up for what you believe in, but just be sure that when you are saying whatever it is you have to say to someone that those words won't haunt you when they are gone. Although Sara and I stopped speaking I remember that when we were talking we had a lot of laughs...a lot of smiles....lots of memories. I have been searching through my old emails reading old chats, I found one where Sara says "do you really think hooters was the appropriate place to take high school kids for lunch? she clearly doesn't exercise good judgment. Also I think it's funny that we radically disagree on EVERYTHING". We did disagree on everything...I think it may have been that we just wanted to argue she would say Black and I would say didn't matter. Hard to believe she is gone...another message..."she totally deserved it. and admitted that she deserved it. classic. it was like the old days in the basement of the huff. now I just need to shoot rubber bands at someone."....this one was FUNNY "Every time I yell at a driver it ends up being an old person, and then I feel like a total ass-hat. I the remember to breathe before calling someone a fucker." HILARIOUS!! She was funny...she was opinionated. I will miss you my friend its too bad we were both too stubborn to apologize after the last it can't be done. At least I told her that I loved her and that she would always be my friend no matter what. Just remember when you are arguing with someone or you get mad or angry....BE SURE OF YOUR WORDS as they maybe the last ones you speak to someone. See ya when I see ya! Peace! Mattie

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