Tuesday, November 25, 2014

No Justice? No Peace? Know Justice...Know Peace!!!

Well Well I am back with my point of view on somethings that have been happening lately.... Hello People! How the heck are you doing???!!! I hope this blog finds you well and that you have peace! I am staying at my mom's while she is away on vacation and although she is not here, the people who live in her house keep her presences known by keeping the heat set on HELL!!! Yes that is a temperature check your thermostats or better yet read your Bible. BUT that's another story. It is 3:55 a.m. as I start to write this BUT I have been awake since 2:30 a.m., partly because it is too hot in here to sleep and then partly because I made the mistake of looking at my phone going through my Facebook timeline and now I have this uneasiness a feeling that unnecessary loss of life is about to happen in an absurd amount. The Ferguson verdict came bak last night no indictment for Darren Wilson an Officer for the Ferguson Police Department, a White man who shot an unarmed Black kid 6 times...not guilty. NO JUSTICE! NO PEACE! Officer Wilson shot an unarmed Black kid who allegedly was going for his gun, after being suspected of being involved in a robbery. Unfortunately Michael Brown fit the 'profile' of the suspect and was being stopped and something happened that cost him his life. What happened? We will probably never truly know based on the statement read before the verdict was announced people who were supposed to be 'eye witnesses' were telling different stories, stories changed depending on who you talked to and the TRUTH sadly was probably lossed somewhere along the way. It seems to me from the start of this whole tragic scene the victim was made out to be a villian.(Alleged robbery suspect Michael Brown was shot...gangster pictures posted all over the news...suspect Michael Brown....)Michael Brown was a teenaged kid who died before his life ever really started and that is sad no matter how you look at it, no matter how it seemed his life 'may have' gone he still deserved to live it as best he could. Now that the verdict has come back for no indictment for Officer Wilson Ferguson Missouri is on fire. Literally! That's sad. Burning down businesses and looting and rioting will not make Michael Brown come back to life, his life is gone and now you are risking your life demonstrating your anger by being violent and destructive. And who are you hurting...yourself. You are burning down businesses in your own neighborhood, Black owned businesses for what? Michael Brown's death is a tragedy and should not have happened but it did and in order to stop it from happening to someone else's child what are you willing to do? Now this is where I am probably going to piss some people off...it won't be the first time and most likely it won't be the last time. Michael Brown's death could bring some unity and positive attention to the Black community just like Trayvon Martin's death could have...but it didn't. Why? Cause we as Black people don't know how to come together to get positive things done, not since the death of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, John F. and Robert Kennedy...protesting in the 60s had a purpose that brought us to where we are today and look how different the protesting has become. Dr. King used non-violence and was able to start the Civil Rights movement, which gave Black people more rights than they had ever had before. (I want you to note that I said protest in the SIXTIES it wasn't that long ago only 50 years....) Malcolm X thought that violence was the answer but realized that in the end violence solves NOTHING! Protesting today has no real purpose what is burning down buildings and looting stores and shooting going to do? Yes it appears to be an appropriate reaction to the situation, but once you have burned down the buildings and looted all the stores and shot possibly other people then what? Now you are out of a job, there is no food or business going on in your neighborhood so you are left with...The only thing I have seen Black people come together to do POSITIVELY is tear each other down. (Look at what is going on with Bill Cosby, that mess was all started by a Black man who got mad cause Dr. Cosby said pull up your pants and stop naming your kids names they can't spell. And look how quickly every other Black person was quick to jump on the bash Bill bandwagon. SAD!) We stopped trying to lift each other up a long time ago and that is sad...I have heard stories that when Dr. King was assassinated people were trying to get their '15 minutes of fame' back then by smearing his blood on themselves so they could say they were in closer proximity to him than they were when he was shot. Trying to make themselves more than they are in that moment so they can have the spotlight for a moment, and have all eyes on me! Sad!!! I have said this before and I say it again now, I truly do not believe that Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X, and ALL the others who died before us died so that we could walk around with our pants hanging down and calling ourselves Niggas or Niggers, whichever you prefer! I believe many a grave has been moved by our Civil Rights leaders turning over in their graves at what they see going on today, and not only them BUT those who were brought here in chains and hung from trees are weeping at what we are doing to ourselves. It is time to stop blaming others for what is happening and start taking a look at ourselves. YES racism is a live and well in America today, it never stopped and it never will until WE DEMAND BETTER! We need to stop greeting each other using the word Nigga/Nigger as a term or endearment. IT'S NOT A TERM OF ENDEARMENT!!! It is a derogatory word that was used to demean and disparage your ancestors, a way to keep them inline and make them feel like they were not only less of a man or woman but not even human. Know Justice....KNOW PEACE! Pull your pants up on your ass and be about something! If you don't have no respect for yourself why should anybody else?! And NO you might think walking around with your ass showing is respectful BUT it's NOT!! Tell me where the respect is in that...show me why I should respect you looking like that and talking some made up language that I don't understand deserves respect? Nahmean?! Do you know what I mean?! Seriously!! Instead of going up to the school cussing out the teacher because they tried to make Shabooboo and Shaquane behave, perhaps you should have stayed out the club and taught them how to behave at home. Just a thought. Stop expecting other people to raise your children and raise them the way you want them to be raised yourself! Yes it takes a village to raise a child....sometimes BUT it depends on who is living in the village. In my neighborhood all the parents at that time were raising their kids to be respectful of authority, adults, and themselves. Kids these days talk back, interrupt, DEMAND things and will actually fight their parents. A thought that would never cross my mind and I think it is safe to say the minds of any of the kids I grew up with. Why? Because you see we were taught better than that AND we wanted to live and keep our teeth in our mouth. Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin that 12 year old boy waving the BB Gun around at the playground when are we going to say ENOUGH??!!! Before we can truly demand better respect or respect in general from White people, we as Black people need to better respect ourselves. Once we truly respect ourselves in our words and our actions then respect is what will be required from everyone else. BUT as long as we continue to kill each other, tolerate gang violence and abuse of drugs, habitual offenders who can only thrive behind bars, coveting our neighbors wife, ass, house, car, etc., walking around with your pants hanging off your ass, greeting each other as Niggas/Niggers and not trying to be about SOMETHING...then we can expect another Michael Brown....another Trayon Martin...another kid waving a BB Gun around on the playground. My eyes were blurry from reading all the posts and comments about Michael Brown and I was sad to see that Ebony feels she has to tell her sons they have no value in today's society "unless they are an athlete and then they are just a million dollar slave". Tears. And to see that Bubba is still bitter because some White girl in Flagstaff couldn't go out with him because her parents saw him as nothing more than a "Nigger". WOW! Your sons have value OUR sons have value and we are so much more than Niggers, we just need to remember that ourselves and respect ourselves enough to demand better. See ya when I see ya! Peace! Mattie