Monday, May 26, 2014

Don't Look Under The Bed....

Hello People!!! How the heck are you??? I hope this blog finds you well!!! I just came back from our Family Reunion in Texas where everything is bigger, like the bugs and the attitudes... We had an awesome time at the reunion, it was the family's 25th reunion, the person who has been responsible for putting the reunion together is stepping down after 25 years this was suppose to be our last reunion...SAD! BUT fortunately another cousin has stepped up and said she will carry on the annual tradition! THANK YOU Theresa C. for all your years of service and THANK YOU Deborah for picking up where Theresa left off. so in 2016 we will gather again and give thanks to God for his mercy and grace and bringing all of us together again. Those are some BIG shoes to fill, but if you are not afraid to ask for help,I am sure you will fit them well. THANK GOD FOR THE 2014 REUNION AND ALL WHO WERE ABLE TO MAKE IT TEXAS!!! The Reunion was GREAT but the accommodations...well...We(my sister Cece and Karen, Ivory and Sydney) arrive in Beaumont, TX on Thursday night and check into our hotels. I am staying at the Hampton Inn and thy are staying at the Fairfield Marriott...NICE! This first night we all have our own bed to sleep in, but after this night people will be doubling up. NOT ME...but anyway....traveling to Texas included a 5 hour layover in Denver. When we left Arizona it was on fire, when we got to Denver we were under tornado warnings, perhaps we should have taken that as a hint and stayed home?! But we didn't. Friday morning I get up to take my shower and get ready we are meeting at the local Waffle House at 10:00 a.m. for breakfast then out to the family plot to remember those who have gone home. While I was in the shower the water went cold so I was standing there freezing....then after awhile it heated back and I finished my shower. I step out of the shower and mirror is all steamed up. I start to dry off but I notice something out of the corner of my eye and I think I am seeing things. I look up at the mirror and across the top of the mirror in the steam it reads, "Don't look under the bed". Don't look under the bed....WHAT THE #%^&%!!! I stare at the mirror looking right to left, left to right and I am thinking there is NO WAY anybody could have come in this bathroom and me not see them, so how did that get on the mirror? I think about it and then I dry off and get dressed...after I look under the bed! Then after I look under the bed I realize that I have obviously been spending too much time with my pigmentary challenged friends, as a person of darker pigmentation would have said AH HELL NAH!!! AND RAN SCREAMING from the room! nekkid (naked in a redneck tone)!! I knew the beds were on pedestals and there was no real way to get under the bed...but I checked anyway. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!! People who do stuff like that end up dead!!! Ask the people in Halloween and Friday the 13th!!!! I knew it was impossible for someone to be under the bed but... the scripture II Timothy 1:7 reads, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of a sound mind..." When I started my new job that scripture was typed up and stuck on computer monitor, very appropriate especially for me and it helped me maintain and not run out of my room with no clothes! Crazy to think that was written on the bathroom mirror so when you get also made me think these people aren't cleaning these mirrors like they are suppose to!!! REALLY!!!! Come on now...if you were spraying the mirrors and cleaning them like you are supposed to then I would have never seen that...and I wouldn't have had to call the front desk and go off on that lady....see what you made me do!!!:D) I have other stories to tell BUT now the tired is sneaking up on me and I have to work tomorrow so until the next time.... See ya when I see ya! Peace! Mattie